• Address: 64 Maple Avenue, Collinsville, CT 06019

Dental Exams and Cleanings in Collinsville, CT

Thorough and Complete Dental Exams

When you visit us, your oral health checkup is more than just a routine dental exam. Our preventative dental exams and cleanings are key to spotting any issues early and keeping your teeth looking their best. We use advanced tools to take a close look at your oral health, searching for the slightest signs of trouble, from decay to gum disease. We also employ digital X-rays to peer beneath your gum line and catch hidden issues before they become bigger problems. Dr. Bielawski and our team work to detect dental problems early so we can provide a more affordable, preventative treatment approach. At Lifetime Family Dentistry, we’re all about keeping your smile bright and healthy.

Professional Teeth Cleanings Process

At Lifetime Family Dentistry, we believe that a thorough dental cleaning is the foundation of a healthy and radiant smile. The teeth cleaning process is just one part of your overall comprehensive exam, which includes digital X-rays, an oral cancer screening, gum exam and more. Learn about what to expect here.


Tartar and Plaque Removal

No matter how well you brush and floss, some plaque and tartar can’t be removed at home. Our skilled hygienists use special tools to gently clean away these deposits so that your teeth and gums stay healthy.


Teeth Cleaning

We go beyond the basics. Our deep cleaning process removes surface stains and leaves your smile not just clean, but sparkling. It’s not just about health—it’s about confidence in your bright, smooth smile.



We meticulously floss your teeth, ensuring that all areas between your teeth are clean and free from food particles and plaque. Our thorough approach helps maintain your overall dental hygiene and health.


Fluoride Treatment

We offer a fluoride treatment to reduce the chance of cavities. Fluoride will combat the acid that causes decay. It is well recognized that this naturally occurring mineral is very effective in protecting your teeth from decay.

Professional Teeth Cleanings for Good Health

Medical research has proven that gum disease has an overall effect on your health. A connection has been made between the bacteria from gums that circulates through your bloodstream and affects vital organs. Serious conditions with the heart, diabetes, and stroke have been linked to chronic and severe gum disease.

Please take our recommendation to have your teeth cleaned by our hygienist seriously. When you allow plaque and tartar to build up on your teeth, you risk the chance of gum disease developing. Regular brushing and flossing will not remove it. Keeping your teeth very clean adds more to your health than just a healthy smile – it promotes good health and vitality throughout the body as well.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Why They're Vital

At Lifetime Family Dentistry, we prioritize your overall health, which is why an oral cancer screening is a standard part of every dental exam. Catching oral cancer early can significantly influence the outcome and success of treatments, potentially saving lives.

Our team, led by Dr. Bielawski, is expertly trained to recognize the earliest signs of oral cancer. During your visit, we conduct a thorough examination of your mouth, including the lips, tongue, throat, tissues, and gums, to detect any irregularities that might be indicative of cancer. We use advanced techniques and technologies to enhance our diagnostic capabilities, ensuring comprehensive care.

Dental X-Rays

Essential for Comprehensive Care

At Lifetime Family Dentistry, we use dental X-rays as a crucial part of our diagnostic toolkit. These images are vital for a complete understanding of your oral health, revealing details that the naked eye cannot see. By allowing us to look beneath the surface, X-rays help us detect hidden dental issues such as early signs of decay, jawbone damage, impacted teeth, and more.This advanced technology supports our commitment to providing you with the best possible care, making sure that every aspect of your dental health is monitored and managed with the utmost accuracy.

Why Choose Lifetime Family Dentistry?

Gentle and personalized dental care

Modern office and technology

Comfortable injection techniques

Private treatment rooms

Convenient in-house financing

Same-day emergencies

Family block appointments

Monthly payment plans


On-time scheduling

Warranty on dental work

Let's Get Started

Keeping up with regular dental exams and cleanings is crucial for more than just your oral health—it’s a big part of staying healthy overall. At Lifetime Family Dentistry, we make maintaining your dental health easy and worry-free.

Give us a call to schedule your next visit and take a big step towards a healthy, happy smile.

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Preventative Dental Care